Theo's Guide to Youth Ministry

Principles and Practices
for Youth Ministry
based on Bible Teachings
and Biblical Examples.

Since my youth,
O God,
You have taught me,
and to this day
I declare
Your marvelous deeds.
Even when I am
old and gray,
do not forsake me,
O God,
till I declare
Your power
to the next generation,
Your might
to all who are to come.

--Psalm 71:17-18

Thursday, November 23, 2000

Theo's Back of the Envelope Youth Ministry Scriptology Notes

(... elaborations and additions to come ...)

Theo's YM Notes

[things done by custom, not ordinance--
w/ISA 29:13, et. al.]
--II Kin 17:34

[custom is mistaken for the sacred by future generations, and a "refiner" will be rejected as a blasphemer by most]
--II Kings 18:22

[yo min philo]
--Ezra 7:9b, 10

[an "unkept appointment"?]
--Job 2:11, 13

["Child Of The Wind"-- too old for the term, but ...
w/Pro 22:18 & "Forever Young"]
--Psalm 119:9

[Solomon's Children]
--Isa 56:12

--Isa 59:16

[Cashma's question]
--Jer 2:11, 13

"How languishing is your heart," declares the Lord God, "while you do all these things ..."
--Jer 16:30

[yo min philo]
--Lam 2:19

[w/Acts 17:27]
--Lam 3:25

--Lam 3:39, 40

--Eze 3:1

[youth min in USA philosophy]
--Eze 3:5

[youth min philo]
--Eze 3:11

[intercession-- Isa 59:16]
--Eze 22:30

[youth min philosophy]
--Eze 24:19

--Eze 33:32

[youth min philosophy]
--Eze 34:4, 15, 16

--Hos 14:2
[youth min philosophy]

[Tony E., Tony F., Brendon et. al.]
--Mal 1:2

["how tiresome ..."/ Jr Hi kids-- w/"languishing"?]
--Mal 1:13

[min. philo]
--Mal 2:7

Q: How did Jesus show His compassion?
A: He taught.]
"... He saw a large crowd. He felt deep concern for them. They were like sheep without a shepherd. So He began teaching them many things."
--Mk 6:34 [NIrV]

--Mk 7:8
[w/Lk 9:48-- "receive a child"]

[min philo w/Co 1:28?]
--Lk 1:18

[yo min philo w/Jud 13:12]
--Lk 1:66

["What Remains"]
--Re 3:2, 3

"I grew up around Indiana/ You grew up around Galilee
And if I ever really do grow up/ I wanna grow up
And be just like You ..." --Rich Mullins,
"Boy Like You/ Man Like Me"

"All learning which is acquired under compulsion
has no hold upon the mind." --Plato, quoted in
Madeleine L'Engle's book, Walking On Water, p15
*** Study relationships (if any) ***
"faith/hope/love" & "flesh/eyes/pride of life"
[Gen 3:1-6 & Mt 4:1-10]

"I should therefore like to implant within man
the desire to find truth, to be ready to follow it
wherever he may find it, yet without passion."
--Blaise Pascal, The Mind On Fire, p88
[yo min philo-- w/ "I know the thirstry come and listen"
& "Pilgrim's" idea of teaching "as long as I'm with you."]

"If [any person] exalts himself, I humble him.
If he humbles himself, I exalt him."
--Blaise Pascal, The Mind On Fire, p88
[yo min philo]

"I have often felt that the sole cause
of man's unhappiness is that he does not know
how to stay quietly in his own room."
--Blaise Pascal, The Mind On Fire, p96

"In busyness we have a narcotic to keep us from brooding and to take our mind off these things."
--Blaise Pascal, The Mind On Fire, p97

"I can only approve of those who seek God with groans." --Blaise Pascal, The Mind On Fire, p118

[yo min & min philo]
"This is how men argue when they decide to live without knowing who they are and without enlightenment. They immediately say, 'I do not know.'"
--Blaise Pascal, The Mind On Fire, p127

"He (Mr. Sensible in Lewis' Pilgrim's Regress) detested Reason, preferring common sense-- which seeks comfort instead of truth." --Kathryn Lindskoog, Finding The Landlord, p53